Arrested for DUI While Sober

I’ve been practicing law for years at JeffMcKnightLaw, and I’ve seen many surprising cases, but few are as baffling as being arrested for DUI while sober. Imagine being pulled over and charged without having touched a drop of alcohol. It sounds unreal, but it’s happening more often than you might think. If you’re wondering how this could happen and what you can do about it, keep reading.

On the authority of legal experts, you can be wrongfully arrested for DUI if an officer mistakes other factors (like medical conditions) for intoxication. You can challenge this charge with evidence like medical records or witness statements. Seek legal help for best results.

Understanding False DUI Arrests

False DUI arrests happen when a person is incorrectly accused of driving under the influence, highlighting the importance of distinguishing between accurate and wrongful accusations.

At the base mistakes by police, like faulty breath tests or wrong observations of someone’s behavior, can lead to false DUI arrests. These arrests can also happen if someone falsely reports another person out of spite or misunderstanding.

Being falsely arrested for DUI can have serious effects. It can lead to fines, losing your driver’s license, or even jail time. It can also harm your reputation and job. It’s very important to know your rights when you’re pulled over for a suspected DUI and to get legal help if you think you’ve been wrongly accused.

False DUI arrests are caused by deeper problems within police departments, like quotas for arrests or biases against certain people. These issues need to be fixed to stop innocent people from being unfairly targeted.

False DUI arrests can happen for many reasons. It’s important to protect yourself if this happens to you by seeking legal advice and pushing for changes in the justice system to prevent such unfair situations.

Common Causes of Incorrect DUI Arrests

Faulty breathalyzer tests, inaccurate field sobriety tests, and insufficient training for law enforcement officers are common causes of incorrect DUI arrests.

At its heart, other common reasons include health issues that might look like being drunk, like being very tired or taking certain medications. Also, mistakes made by police, like stopping cars incorrectly or mishandling evidence, can lead to wrongful DUI arrests.

It’s important for police departments to make sure their officers are well-trained in spotting DUIs and that they follow the right steps to avoid wrongly accusing innocent people of drunk driving.

How to Fight a Wrongful DUI Charge

Gathering evidence is crucial because it can demonstrate errors in breathalyzer tests or field sobriety procedures, potentially leading to dismissal of the DUI charge.

If you’re facing a DUI charge, gather any evidence you have like witness statements, video recordings, or results from a blood alcohol test. It’s important to hire a good lawyer who specializes in DUI cases to help you through the legal process. Be honest with your lawyer and give them all the information they need to build a strong defense.

Make sure to attend all your court dates and follow your lawyer’s advice closely. You may want to question the accuracy of any field sobriety tests or breathalyzer results if there are any issues. Educate yourself about your rights and what to expect during the legal proceedings. Stay calm and collected, as your emotions can affect your decisions. Focus on presenting a strong case to prove your innocence and fight the DUI charge.

Legal Rights When Arrested Sober

Even when you’re arrested sober, the Constitution safeguards your legal rights.

You have certain rights if you’re arrested:

  1. You can stay silent.
  2. You can have a lawyer with you when you’re being questioned.
  3. You can say no to any searches.

You also have the right to:

  1. Be told what you’re being charged with.
  2. Be treated fairly during the legal process.
  3. Honestly, be released on bail unless you’re charged with a serious crime or might run away.

Don’t make any statements or sign anything without talking to a lawyer first. If you think your rights were violated during the arrest, you can file a complaint and seek legal help. It’s important to know and use your rights to ensure you get fair treatment.

Steps to Take After a False DUI Accusation

Bringing together earlier ideas, the first crucial step after a false DUI accusation is to remain calm and composed.

In other words, even if you are accused, it doesn’t mean you’re guilty.

Gather any proof or witnesses that can help you, like receipts showing where you were, or people who can vouch for you.

Get a lawyer who knows a lot about DUI cases. They can help protect your rights and work to clear your name.

It’s important not to talk to the police or anyone else about your case except your lawyer. Anything you say could be used against you in court.

Make sure you go to all your court dates and do what your lawyer tells you. Take the accusation seriously and stay focused on getting through the legal process.

Man holds a beer bottle

My Concluding Remarks

Being arrested for DUI while sober can be a frustrating and confusing experience.

What JeffMcKnightLaw is showing the advantages of is, it highlights the flaws in law enforcement’s methods for determining intoxication and serves as a cautionary reminder of how easily innocent individuals can be caught up in the legal system. It is very important to seek legal advice and challenge the charges to protect one’s rights and reputation.


  1. “The Drunk Driving Defense” by Lawrence Taylor, Aspen Publishers
  2. “DUI/DWI: Arrest Was it a Mistake? The Worst Mistake You Can Make After Being Arrested for DUI” by Andrew J. Minette, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  3. “The DUI Report” by Barry Simons, Ira Ellman, Darren Kavinoky and Lawrence Taylor, Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company


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